In EA Sports Active 2.0, the exercise stops in the middle when either the Controller or Wii FIT board time out because they haven't been used in a few minutes. Considering that you only need the board for 1 or 2 exercises, and you don't need the controller during the 4 warm-up or cool-down routines (and the game actually tells you that you won't need it), Active 2.0 should not stop in the middle of an exercise.
Picture this...lying on the floor in the Leg Over exercise, the controller is across the room on the coffee table because you've just been told that you won't need it during the cool down exercises, and the game just STOPS with a message that communication with the controller has been interrupted. Soooooo annoying!!!
And the Wii FIT board is even more annoying because in the prior versions (EA Sports Active PT and MW), when you weren't using the board, you could put it off to the side, and when you got to an exercise that needed it, you would get the message that communications had been lost. You flipped it on and all was good. Now, in Active 2.0, it stops in the middle of an exercise because it wants it to be on constantly. Not only is it annoying because it breaks your exercise, but it wastes the batteries in my board!! I have actually opted out of using my board because of this.
I am posting this on the suggestion of a Chat with Gavin on the EA website so that someone may see it and address these bugs with Active 2.0.|||All you have to do is nudge the remote or tap the corner of the board between exercises to keep it awake. There's lots of time to do it while you wait for the exercise to load. Not that big of a deal.|||Actually this is a big deal and is highly annoying. (I am using SA 2 on the Wii).
The game should have been designed so that I am not constantly having to think about waking up the balance board or the controller or risk getting stopped in the middle of an activity. I want to think about my workout.
I would like to EA come up with a solution for this, or I will probably return the product. Peraps there is a way to increase the time out. Certainly for the balance board this is absolute stupidity, I have a few other exercise games on the wii and they all turn on the balance board only for a specific exercise and then turn it off. Only EASA2 keeps it on all the time and causes it to time-out.
It really makes me wonder if EA made any beta testing of the product at all before they released it, this is such an obvious problem. At least they could have mentioned something in the instructions about the need to touch the contoller and balance board every few minutes.
It is worse for new users who are consantly sitting through the tutorials for the new exercises, since it means they touch the controllers less frequently and so the timeouts occur more often. I can see new users getting very frustrated with this too...|||It's really not that big of a deal but if it annoys you that much then I would recommend returning the product. I have a lot of Wii games and none of them have the capability of turning the board on. In most it doesn't cause an error message if it goes off though. The remote always causes a message when it times out. Watching tutorials doesn't make it timeout faster, mine takes about 5 minute regardless of whether you're exercising or watching a tutorial.
I guess it all depends on what you're looking for. After spending a lot of money on various exercise programs and having most of them sitting, the EA Active are by far the best constructed workouts and if I have to nudge the remote between exercises I'm willing to do that. Much better than flailing around while the My Shape camera can't see you or trying to frantically follow a trainer with no instruction in My Fitness Coach.|||It was annoying for the balance board timing out, but I'm getting the habit of tapping it between workouts that don't use it and with that I'm not having a problem with it. Yes, its bad design and needs to be fixed, but there is a workaround that allows the software to be continue to work while waiting for updates.
The wii mote timeout would be annoying but since I use wrist weights rather than than the band or hand weights. I just hold the remote the entire time and never noticed until others have mentioned it. In leg overs or pushups its just dangling off of my wrist, but it gets bumped enough to not timeout. Again it really is something that should be fixed but you can work around it by disobeying the in game instructions that say you don't need the remote.|||I agree this is very annoying and especially during the cool down. It seems that the program could be written to ignore the messages from remote and balance board until needed.
It's just programming.
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