More Workouts has pretty much covered every criticism I had with EASA. Less knee-unfriendly excercises, more use of the Wii Fit board, and solid coverage of abdominal 'n chest exercises (the latter being limited to push-ups, but I'm content). It's been top-of-the-line since I got it, and I can assure you that when "Project Natal" arrives, I'll be picking up anything by this dev team even if it's the only game I ever get for it.
So, with all that in mind, I need a band replacement. Shortly after picking up the original EASA, I replaced the EA band with a shorter, stronger band. Sadly, I couldn't find anything nearby that was as long (heck, I only found one band at all at Marshall's. Sports Authority, and all the sports stores I checked, for that matter, didn't have anything useful)
I'd like to pick up something just as strong or stronger, but with the same length EA's band has. However, it's hard to find something like that online, because what few places sell bands (most people have moved onto the tubes) don't list a length, and I really don't feel like buying another 4-footer by mistake. Is there any brand or specific product you guys recommend? Amazon or whatever is fine.
Heck, while we're on the subject of tubes, do those work with EASA? It seems like it would just fine, but I have no clue if there's enough grip on the hand straps the hold the tubes.|||I use Theraband resistance bands. You can buy it by the roll or some physio places will sell it to you by the foot. I have a tube but the handles are too big to hold with the remote and I don't wear shoes so it digs into the arch of my foot. Someone else bought a set of Gold's Gym bands in a long length and they will clip onto the handles that come with the game.|||I have been using the Gold's Gym LONG resistance bands for months, from Walmart for about $15 with 3 bands to mix and match. The EASA handles clip right on them so it works really well. You need to stretch them out really good to get the double overhead moves done and sometimes I have to resort to only having it under one foot. I just had one snap after 7 months of use and it was the one I was using for the overhead work.
I just bought these Therabands from Amazon for $4.50 a pack:
They were just delivered last night but after my workout was complete so I couldn't give them a full test. They are 5 foot long (just like the original EASA supplied band) and it looks like they are going to work out great. I think I will like these better than the Gold's Resistance Bands. I got the blue and black ones. They come in a little pack with no DVD or booklet so it keeps the price down!
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