Friday, April 20, 2012

More Active 6 Week Challenge Multiple Worrkouts

Is there a way to perform multiple workouts in one day while in the More Active 6 week challenge? I missed a week and want to catch up on the 4 exercise sessions this week. I want to work out in the morning and again in the afternoon.
I did it this morning, but this afternoon I was unable to start a workout in the 6 week challenge. I select the custom workout, but it did not register on the calendar.
How do I perform 2 calendar workouts in a day?|||Only way I know is to change the date. But that would be a hassle.
You can still catch up if you do not take any rest days. Its the easiest way to do it.
I would do one of the pre-program ones if you want to do 2.|||I found that I could go into the 6 week challenge (not the calendar) through the profile and it would display the slider and allow me to select the next work out in the challenge once I completed the current one.|||Gma_Pat
Please explain further. Yesterday, I start my profile and it displayed the week workout schedule. I had completed the workout for the 21st. I then clicked on the 22nd. It display the exercises, but didn't have the Workout button. How did you get the workout to start?|||Sorry, I pointed you in the wrong direction, I was trying to do it from memory. To access the slider to select the workout you need to go through the Journal. Access the current days journal page and click on the top selection for the workout. Select the 6 week challenge. You will get a slider calendar for the week. If you have a scheduled workout, you will select the current date and then complete the workout. If your schedule is for a rest day, you can select the next scheduled workout and open and complete the workout. The slider calender will then reprogram the workouts and add the unscheduled workout number to the current date. You can then go back in the journal and repeat to access the slider again. The next workout will become active and allow you to select and complete the workout.|||Gma_Pat
Thank you for the reply. What if it is not a Rest Day? I want to do 2 workout today. I completed the one that is scheduled for today and want to add the next workout that is scheduled for tomorrow to today.

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