Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Some thoughts on batteries

I'm on the Wii.
Using the alkaline batteries that came with Active 2 the Armband/HRM battery lasted through my 4th week of 6 day a week workouts, a message popped up on screen saying that the HRM battery was low. I replaced them and on I went.
I'm just starting my 6th week and the leg sensor seem sluggish today and not responding to my movements...just like a lot of the complaints on the board. It has always work perfectly before. I replaced the batteries and everything started working perfectly again. There was no message or on screen indication that the leg strap batteries were low...but they obviously were. I never lost the sync light on it.
I always use lithium batteries an all my electronic instruments like remote controls. I never use rechargables and only use alkalines if have to. It doesn't seem like these devices are "battery eaters" since I got 4-6 weeks out of the EA provided alkalines. I don't know how EA buys their batteries, but with 4 for every Wii and 6 for every PS3 I would guess they are not of the most premium manufacture. I have heard some say their batteries were dead on arrival when they opened their package.
If you are having problems make sure you put in good, just bought AAA batteries into your devices. It is a quick first step and could save you a lot of headaches down the road! |||Energizer makes an induction charger for the Wiimotes and I am pretty confident in it so far. I can't see wasting and throwing away a ton of lithium batteries for this device if I continue to use it for an extended period of time.
I think I will use Energizer rechargeable batteries with a high MaH (Milliampere per-hour) and plan on exchanging them every other week to see if they will remain as responsive as I need them to be. I'm not concerned about duration since I'm used to maintaining my equipment on a regular basis.|||I read a warning somewhere about not using rechargeables in the HRM and leg monitor. It didn't say why not but they must have had a reason. My HRM batteries died yesterday and I got the warning. I guess I should probably change out my leg ones too then.|||I should have searched better. I just posted a question about batteries. I will try new batteries tomorrow, thank you for posting this.|||I replaced both when it came up the last time. Seems the other dies shortly after anyways. At least that the way its been for me.|||

I read a warning somewhere about not using rechargeables in the HRM and leg monitor. It didn't say why not but they must have had a reason.
Is this correct? The reason I ask is that the monitors seem to need new batteries each month. 2 batteries x 12 months = 24 batteries in a land fill and money out of my pocket - which was why I bought rechargeables.
But if this means my monitors will die in a few months then it will not be worth it.

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