I started EA Active 2 about 2 months ago and honestly have to say I love it! First of all, I get to work out at home on my time when I want to do it. No worrying about gym hours or figuring out how to squeeze in working late, eating a good dinner (not take out) and fitting in a work out before the gym closes at 9. Look, there are faults with it, don't get me wrong---I must hold my Wii remote or mid routine I'll get a message about the peripherals (which means I have to stop, get out of the groove I am in and putz around with everything for a minute), sometimes it doesn't fully pick up my steps or movement, and Grapevine---that's a lost cause! I do love the EA Active 2. For one thing, even at my weight it is easy to use and follow and gives a great workout. I have created customized work outs which are my "go to" routines each night. I know about the "glitchy" (for lack of better words) issues associated with the game, and while it kind of peeves me a little I work with it. I definitely think the $39.99 (Wii) I spent on it was a good price and I have committed to doing it each night. Plus, it is nice not having something say discouraging things---ever do Wii Fit, stand on the board and get the "ohhh" or "ouch" even when you lose weight...wtf!
This past weekend I picked up a set of the EA Active 2 weighted boxing gloves and resistance bands that I found dirt cheap in KMart. I NEVER go to that store, my husband and I were in the area looking for golf balls of all things and I found the set in their clearance area for games. I picked it up for $11.99. Awesome!

|||I didnt know they had weighted gloves.
EASA 2 is a great workout!|||I agree it does have it's quirks but I love how I don't get bored..every couple minutes you switch to something else. I love how you can create workouts and add/delete/shuffle things around too.
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